Two Interactive Ways to Explore: Chart and Table

Revelation in a Glance!

Explore the entire book of Revelation at a glance with our Interactive Timeline Chart. Use the buttons on the right to zoom in and out, or scroll directly on the image to adjust the zoom. You can click and drag to pan around and explore different sections of the chart. If on a desktop, hover your mouse over any label to reveal a tooltip with additional details. If on a mobile device, gently touch and hold a label instead. To learn more about a specific topic, simply click on the label—it will take you to a our Interactive Timeline Table, where you will see a brief explanation, relevant Bible verses, and a link to the related studies. 

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If you're looking for a quick and easy way to explore all the key themes in the book of Revelation, this tool is perfect for you! Our Interactive Timeline Table allows you to view each theme at a glance. When you spot a topic you're interested in, simply click on its title to open a detailed info box. Inside, you'll find a brief explanation of the topic, references to Bible passages where it's mentioned, and a link to dive deeper into a more comprehensive study. This tool is designed to help you explore Revelation efficiently while offering the opportunity for deeper insight when you're ready to learn more.

Color Code

Historic and Prophetic Timeline

Significant World Events

Important events in History

Significant Revelation Events

Important events in the book of Revelation

Chronological Eras and Dates

Known Eras and dates that marked History

Activities Regarding the Saved

Events and activities involving those who have the Seal of God

Enemy Strategies and Activities

Strategies and activities of Satan and his agents

God's Justice Carried Out on Sin

Actions God will take as He executes His judgment on Sin

Seven Churches

Prophetic fulfillment of the Seven Churches in History. Meaning: The path of the overcomer throughout Church History (Overcomer)

Seven Seals

Prophetic fulfillment of the opening of the Seven Seals in History. Meaning: The path of the Truth as the way to salvation and justice (God's Army)

Seven Trumpets

Prophetic fulfillment of the Seven Trumpets in History, Meaning: The path of those who reject the Truth (Enemy's Army)

Little Scroll and Two Witnesses

Prophetic fulfillment of the Two Witnesses in History. Meaning: The path of the remnant and the measuring of their connection with God through His Word (Faithful Church and Bible),

*** One important thing to keep in mind about the Little Scroll is that, although it was mentioned at the end of the 6th Trumpet, we’ve placed it in the Interactive Chart at the time of John's vision. This is because its effects are felt throughout time, intensifying greatly as we approach the end. In the Interactive Table, however, it is listed after the entry for the 6th Trumpet, following the order in which appears in the text.

Interactive Timeline Chart - Book of Revelation

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Interactive Timeline Table - Book of Revelation

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Roman Empire
  • 27 BC - 31 AD
  • 34 - 96 AD
  • 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Centuries

Middle Ages
  • 476 - 538 AD
  • 1517

Age of Enlightenment
  • 1685 - 1798

Industrial Age
  • 1800

Time of the End
  • You are Here
  • The Great Tribulation
  • Separation of the Two Cities

The Day of the Lord
  • Armageddon
  • God's Ruling

The Millenium
  • Togetherness
  • Isolation

  • The White Throne Judgment

  • The Wife of the Lamb

Eternal Reign
  • The Beginning and the End

Roman Empire
  • 27BC - 31AD
  • 34 - 96 AD
  • 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Centuries

Middle Ages
  • 476 - 538AD
  • 1517

Age of Enlightenment
  • 1685 - 1798

Industrial Age
  • 1800

Time of the End
  • You are Here
  • The Great Tribulation
  • Separation of the Two Cities

The Day of the Lord
  • Armageddon
  • God's Ruling

The Millenium
  • Togetherness
  • Isolation

  • The White Throne Judgment

  • The Wife of the Lamb

Eternal Reign
  • The Beginning and the End



Roman Empire

27 BC

The Roman Empire is generally considered to have started in 27 BC, when Octavian, later known as Augustus, became the first Roman emperor. However, 168 BCE is a pivotal moment in the rise of Roman power and the decline of the Greek Empire. The Battle of Pydna, fought between Rome and Macedon during the Third Macedonian War, marked a significant increase in Roman influence in the Hellenistic world and led to the fall of the Antigonid dynasty, which had its origins in the era of Alexander the Great.

Symbolism: The beast's heads represent dominant politico-religious powers that persecuted God's people and led them into spiritual adultery by encouraging worship practices that deviate from God's commands.

Prophetic Application: The 6th head refers to the head described in John's time as the "one is" power. Since John lived during the Roman Empire, we can infer that it is 6th head.

The difference between a beast head and the beast, is that the beast is the entire system of politico-religious powers throughout history (it has many heads and horns), while a head is the current politico-religious power active in a certain point in time.

Bible Texts: Revelation 17:10, see also Revelation 13:1-10, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Daniel 8.

Study: #8​​6More Coming Soon Interactive Chart of Beast Power Systems

4 BC - 31 AD

Symbolism: pregnant woman about to give birth, clothed with the sun, standing on the moon and wearing a crown with 12 stars.

Prophetic application: Jesus was born as a human being to a virgin named Mary around 4 BC. Prophetically, He was born from God's chosen people, Israel.

Bible Texts:   Revelation 12:1-2, see also Jeremiah 2:2 (God's people described as a woman)

Study:  #78

Symbolism: The red dragon stands before the pregnant woman, ready to devour her child. The dragon has 7 heads with crowns, and 10 horns. He swept away 1/3 of the stars of Heaven.

Prophetic Application: Satan sought to prevent Jesus from completing His mission to save humanity. To achieve this, Satan enlisted other fallen angels and established a system designed to deceive and manipulate both governments and religious institutions. This system is symbolized by a set of multiple heads and horns. Throughout history, from the time God chose His people to the end of time, Satan has continuously devised strategies to interfere with human governments and faith systems. At any given time, one of these heads has been active, or in the process of becoming active, representing the dominant government of the era. A key characteristic of this government is its global influence and its integration of a religious element, allowing it to oppress God's faithful people on all fronts—political, social, economic, and religious. 

The angel tells John he lives in the time of the 6th head, which is the 'one is' head. This means, the 6th head was the Roman Empire. The horns are not the focus in the description of the dragon, but the fact they are described means Satan already has a plan in place for the future.

The focus of this passage mentioning the dragon, is that the heads are seen with royal crowns. These kingdoms are key players in driving the oppression against God's people.

Bible Texts: Revelation 12:3-4. See also Revelation 13:1-10, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Daniel 8.

Study#79 Interactive Chart of Beast Power Systems

Symbolism: Woman gives birth and child is snatched up to Heaven. 

Prophetic application: After completing His ministry on Earth, Jesus died in 31 AD, resurrected,  ascended to Heaven, and took His seat on the throne at the right hand of the Father.

Bible Texts: Revelation 12:1-2, Revelation 5Jeremiah 2:2.

Studies: #33​​​​ #34 #35 #36 #37 #7​​​​8 #8​​​​0

Symbolism: After the child was snatched up to Heaven, the dragon followed Him there, waged war against Michael and His angels, and lost.

Prophetic Application: Furious with Jesus after the Cross, Satan attempted to fight in Heaven, but Jesus' victory was clear and perfect, and Satan and his angels completely lost access to Heaven.

Bible Text: Revelation 12:7-9.

Study: #79

34 AD

Symbolism: After being thrown down from Heaven, the dragon persecuted the woman that had given birth.

Prophetic Application: After his access to Jesus was cut off, Satan could no longer personally attack the Savior. Satan was furious and still wanted to try and diminish Jesus' victory. His plan was to attack Jesus' reason for dying on the cross: His bride—Jesus' faithful followers. A fierce persecution started about 3,5 years after Jesus'death. Stephen's stoning marked this event.

Bible Text: Revelation 12:13, Acts 8:1.

Study: #79​​

Symbolism: A white horse and its rider, carrying a bow and wearing a crown, went out to conquer.

Prophetic Application: The gospel spreads throughout the world, gathering followers for God after Christ's ascension. The key element that identifies the rider, is that he comes from goes out from Heaven to complete the mission. The color white represents purity and victory, and the rider's mission aligns with the spread of God's Word, which began after Pentecost. This conquering is spiritual, as the message of salvation reaches people, and those who accept it begin the journey of overcoming. The rider is identified as Jesus, the living Word of God, riding in His majesty, made possible by His sacrifice on the cross, which enables believers to overcome the world just as He did.

Bible Text: Revelation 6:1-2.


70 AD

The fall of Jerusalem marked the devastating destruction of the Second Temple by Roman forces, culminating in a significant moment of Jewish history and the dispersal of the Jewish people. The city's destruction signaled the end of Jewish political autonomy in the region for nearly two millennia.

Symbolism: Hail and fire mixed with blood are hurled down to earth, burning one-third of the earth and its vegetation.

Prophetic Application: Judgment falls on part of the nation of Israel, the people originally chosen by God but who ultimately rejected Jesus as the Messiah. The Jews also went on to persecute Christians.

The Seven Trumpets depict judgments that partially fall on those who reject God and follow false teachings. Except for the 7th Trumpet, each affects one-third of its target. The first six trumpets have a redemptive purpose, serving as a warning for people to turn back to God.

Biblical scholars commonly agree that when Jesus referred to Himself as the green tree and Israel as the dry tree, He was speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. This event aligns with the concept that "judgment begins at the house of God" (1 Peter 4:17). The first trumpet in Revelation symbolizes this judgment on the Jewish nation, which rejected Jesus and persecuted those who accepted the Gospel. As a result, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, fulfilling this prophecy, though many survived and were scattered. This is the reflection of the partial effect of if this judgment, it falls on one-third of the earth and vegetation.

This judgment parallels the timeline of the Seven Churches and Seals, showing that outward signs of faith are not enough for salvation. The first trumpet serves as a warning for all believers, emphasizing that only a true acceptance of Jesus and a growing relationship with Him can bring salvation. As Jesus said in John 3:18, those who believe in Him will not be condemned, while those who reject His sacrifice will face judgment.

Bible TextRevelation 8:7.

Study: #52

81 - 96 AD

John was sent to Patmos, a prison island, for being a faithful servant of the Lord. There, he received a message from God, through symbols, about Jesus and His work to save humanity. The message is to be sent to seven churches in Asia Minor.

Bible Text: Revelation 1:1-2, 9-11.

Studies: #​​4 #7

Symbolism and Prophetic Application: The church was beginning to lose its first, pure love for Jesus, yet it continued to reject false doctrines. Those who overcome are promised to eat from the Tree of Life, symbolizing their spiritual nourishment and sustenance through Jesus' power, leading to eternal life.

Bible Text: Revelation 2:1-7.

Studies#​​13  #14

2nd and 3rd Centuries

Symbolism and Prophetic Application: This church endured great tribulation and poverty but was rich in the truth of God. Those who overcome are promised not to experience the second death but will receive the crown of life, meaning they will endure the temporary first death while awaiting the resurrection of the faithful. The second death is the eternal death reserved for those who did not choose life in Jesus.

Bible TextRevelation 2:8-11.

Studies: #​​​​15  #16

Symbolism: Red horse and horseman received power to remove the peace from the world and a great sword. People would kill one another.

Prophetic Application: Accepting the Gospel may bring about persecution because the Word of God prevents His true followers from blending in with the people following false teachings. The Truth highlights His people, and so they stand out from the crowd.

The fighting, killing, and persecution described in this section can be understood both literally and spiritually. Wars fought in the name of religion and conflicts within the church reflect this. Christ teaches that when individuals prioritize their opinions over compassion and love, they commit spiritual murder (Matthew 5:21-26). The second seal aligns with the persecution faced by the church during the second and third centuries, but the pattern is timeless and personal.

This horseman also comes out of Heaven to complete his mission. He is on a heavenly assignment. The blood of Jesus is what paints the corners of the believer. Jesus is also the second horseman, wielding the Word of God, and people's response to His message determines their place in the spiritual war. God's main concern is the spiritual battle fought with His truth, not earthly warfare. Accepting Jesus' sacrifice protects us, while rejecting it leads to eternal death. For those who accept His redemption, eternal life is the promised reward.

Bible TextRevelation 6:3-4.

Study: #39

4th Century to 538 AD

Symbolism and Prophetic Application: Although most members held fast to the truth, some had begun to introduce false doctrines into the church. Those who overcome are promised to eat of the hidden manna and receive a white stone with a secret new name, symbolizing their reception of Jesus, the Truth, and their new identity through His redemptive work on the cross.

Bible TextRevelation 2:12-17.

Studies: #1​​7  #18

Symbolism: Black horse and horseman with a pair of scales in his hand. Grain prices were set at inflated prices but wine and oil should not be damaged.

Prophetic Application: Rejecting the Gospel brings about spiritual famine. Yet, even then, God has promised to keep the Holy Spirit and His salvation available for anyone who seeks Him.

The third horseman symbolizes a spiritual famine, where access to God's Word is limited, likely due to the rejection of the Gospel. This follows the pattern of the first horseman, representing the spread of the Gospel, and the second, depicting the consequences of accepting or rejecting it. Just like the famine, described in Amos 8:10-13, this is not physical but spiritual—people will seek God's Word but will not find it.

Oil represents the Holy Spirit, and wine symbolizes salvation through Jesus' blood. The third seal parallels the church of Pergamum, where false doctrines diluted the Gospel, leading to division and spiritual drought. Despite this, Jesus promises to the faithful that they will receive the "hidden manna," representing spiritual fulfillment in Christ.

The black horse and rider, identified as Jesus, come with scales to show the consequences of rejecting His message, yet He ensures that salvation and the Holy Spirit remain unaffected by human actions. While spiritual famine results from rejecting the Bread of Life, Jesus' promise of eternal life and the Holy Spirit is always available to those who believe.

Bible TextRevelation 6:5-6.

Study: #40



Middle Ages

476 AD

As the Roman Empire fell, the early Middle Ages ushered in an era characterized by the decline of urban life, the spread of Christianity, and the establishment of feudal systems that shaped the social and political landscape of Europe. 

In 410, the Western Roman Empire was dramatically impacted when the city of Rome was sacked by the Visigoths, a nomadic group of Germanic peoples from the northeast. The fall of Rome was finalized in 476, when the Germanic chieftain Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor of the West.

Symbolism: A beast with seven heads, 10 horns with crowns, that looks like a leopard, feet like a bear, and a mouth like a lion. The seventh head will receive a mortal wound that will eventually heal. The Sea Beast represents a system of politico-religious powers throughout history that works to persecute, deceive, and manipulate people into substituting true worship and obedience to God with false doctrines and idolatrous practices.

Prophetic Application: This system of powers was a mechanism Satan used to advance his agenda against the people of God during the Middle Ages. It bears a similar "frame" to that of the dragon, indicating that Satan has always had a way to interfere in human government and religious systems, even before the Middle Ages. However, during the Middle Ages, a new phase of this system emerges, focusing on the divided kingdoms (the horns with crowns). The power of the 6th head (Roman Empire) is phasing out and transitioning to the horns (divided European kingdoms).

The difference between a beast head and the beast, is that the beast is the entire system of politico-religious powers throughout history (it has many heads and horns), while a head is the current politico-religious power active in a certain point in time.

Bible Text:  Revelation 13:1-2.

Studies: #8​​​​6 #8​​​​7 #88 #89 #90 #91 #92 

Interactive Chart of Beast Power Systems

The fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD marked the end of ancient Rome's dominance, leading to the fragmentation of its territories into various barbarian kingdoms. Historically, the collapse was driven by internal decay, economic struggles, and relentless invasions by Germanic tribes, culminating in the abdication of the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus.

Symbolism: Burning mountain fell on the ses transforming 1/3 of it into blood, killing 1/3 of the marine life and destroying 1/3 of the ships.

Prophetic Meaning: Judgment fell upon a portion of the Roman Empire's system, resulting in significant bloodshed and weakening its political and economic strength. This destabilization contributed to the empire's collapse, yet aspects of Roman culture persisted in the divided kingdoms, preventing its complete disappearance.

The Seven Trumpets depict judgments that partially fall on those who reject God and follow false teachings. Except for the 7th Trumpet, each affects one-third of its target. The first six trumpets have a redemptive purpose, serving as a warning for people to turn back to God.

The fall of the Roman Empire in A.D. 476, reflects God's judgment on nations that rejected Him. Just as ancient Rome played a role in Christ’s crucifixion and persecuted Christians, it faced judgment like the apostate Jewish nation did under the first trumpet. These judgments were not aimed at individuals but at entire nations. The second trumpet, marks the collapse of the Roman Empire, not through a single global power but by gradually dissolving into divided kingdoms. Like the symbol used, Rome, that burning mountain, slowly faded away into the sea waters. The partial scope of the judgment is symbolized by the phrase "one-third."

Though God's faithful were not the direct target of the judgment, they still felt the socio-political and economic aftershocks. This judgment reassures believers that God deals justly with His enemies and will always protect His people. Like the plagues in Egypt, the fall of Rome was a sign to those who had placed other things above God. It serves as a reminder that life is only truly abundant when God is at the center, and while He offers the opportunity for repentance, the choice to follow Him is ours.

Bible TextRevelation 8:8-9.

Study: #53

538 AD

The Christian Roman Church emerged as a dominant power in Europe, solidifying its influence over both spiritual and political matters across the continent. The year 538 AD marked the beginning of the Papacy's ascendancy in European affairs, as the Christian Church established itself as a central authority, guiding the divided kingdoms with its religious and moral authority. 

The Church restricted access to the Bible by keeping it in Latin, a language only the clergy could read, and forbidding translations into common languages. This control ensured that the laity depended solely on the Church for scriptural interpretation, limiting personal access to God's Word.

Symbolism: The beast's heads represent dominant politico-religious powers that persecuted God's people and led them into spiritual adultery by encouraging worship practices that deviate from God's commands. This head received power to oppress God's people for 42 months.

Prophetic Application: The 7th head is the power described from John's time as the one that 'has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while'. The empire during John's time was Rome. After Rome, the kingdoms in Europe became divided, and then the Christian Roman Church became a dominant power in Europe. The sea beast, while acting through this head received power to act for 42 prophetic months, which is 1260 literal years. The reign of this head would come to an end in 1798, with the downfall of the Christian Roman Church's power during the French Revolution.

42 prophetic months = time, times, and half of time = 1260 prophetic days = 1260 literal years.

The difference between a beast head and the beast, is that the beast is the entire system of politico-religious powers throughout history (it has many heads and horns), while a head is the current politico-religious power active in a certain point in time.

Bible TextRevelation 17:10, 12-13. See also Revelation 13:1-10, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Daniel 8. A few 1 day = 1 year passages: Numbers 14:34Ezekiel 4:6Leviticus 25:8.

Study#8​​​​6 More Coming Soon Interactive Chart of Beast Power Systems

Symbolism: The dragon gives the beast great authority. The beast also receives a mouth and authority to act for 42 months. It was authorized to make war with the saints and overcome them, world-wide. The Beast blasphemed against God and His tabernacle.

Prophetic Application: 42 prophetic months = time, times, and half of time = 1260 prophetic days = 1260 literal years. Through the 7th head, the Medieval Roman Church power was able to oppress anyone who did not comply with the rules it had established. This led the Church leadership to impose strict control over religious practices, suppress dissent, and enforce conformity through measures such as excommunication, inquisitions, and even persecution, ensuring that any opposition to its authority was swiftly and severely dealt with.

Bible Text: Revelation 13:4-7. A few 1 day = 1 year passages: Numbers 14:34Ezekiel 4:6Leviticus 25:8.​​

Studies#​​​​90  #91

Symbolism: The woman who had given birth receives  a pair of wings and flies to the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1260 days or time, times, and half of time.

Prophetic Application: 42 prophetic months = time, times, and half of time = 1260 prophetic days = 1260 literal years. During the challenging period of the Middle Ages, when faithful followers of Jesus faced severe adversity, persecution, and trials, God ensured that His Truth endured. Despite the widespread oppression by dominant religious and political powers, a remnant of believers remained steadfast, preserving and passing down the true teachings of Christ.

Bible Text: Revelation 12:6, 14. A few 1 day = 1 year passages: Numbers 14:34Ezekiel 4:6Leviticus 25:8.

Studies: #​​80  #85

Symbolism: The Courtyard portion of the Temple had been given to the nations, and they would trample over the holy city for 42 months.

Prophetic Application: 42 prophetic months = time, times, and half of time = 1260 prophetic days = 1260 literal years. The courtyard was the place where those who were not priests could enter for temple services. Prophetically, it represents the Earth. The people choosing not to follow God's true message would be oppressing the faithful during this prophetic period of time.

Bible Text: Revelation 11:2. A few 1 day = 1 year passages: Numbers 14:34Ezekiel 4:6Leviticus 25:8.

Study: #71

Symbolism: God's two witnesses should prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.

Prophetic Application: 42 prophetic months = time, times, and half of time = 1260 prophetic days = 1260 literal years. The two witnesses deliver a message confirmed as true, arriving with humility but speaking with boldness, much like the prophets of the Bible. Their purpose is to lead people back to God, fulfilling their roles as priest and king in service to the Lord. Representing these witnesses are the Bible and the faithful Church, both carrying God's truth.

Bible Text: Revelation 11:3. A few 1 day = 1 year passages: Numbers 14:34Ezekiel 4:6Leviticus 25:8.

Study: #72

Symbolism and Prophetic Application: This church was divided between those who remained faithful and those who engaged in sinful practices and followed satanic doctrines that had infiltrated the church. Those who overcome are promised power over the nations and the morning star, indicating that they will rule with Christ and receive the light of Jesus Himself at His Second Coming.

Bible Text: Revelation 2:18-29.

Studies: #1​​9 #20 #21 (Read #20 to see its connection with 42 months)

Symbolism: The rider of the pale horse has a nameL Death, and Hades was following along. He received authority over 1/4 of the Earth, "to kill with sword, and famine, and plague, and by the wild animals of the earth".

Prophetic Application: A warning is sent out for people to repent and return to the path that leads to life. The opposite direction leads to death.

The fourth horseman in Revelation is named Death, followed by Hades (the grave). This imagery reflects a trail of death and graves, symbolizing the covenant curses from Deuteronomy, including war, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts, which God used to discipline His people when they rejected His commandments. The elements of the previous horsemen—sword and hunger—are mentioned, showing a progression of severity for those who continue to reject God's Word. The division caused by the sword leads to spiritual hunger and ultimately death, with whatever remains being consumed by wild beasts.

This period of spiritual decline parallels the church's history, particularly during the Middle Ages (represented by Thyatira and Sardis), when false teachings replaced biblical truths, leading to a spiritually dead church. The activities of the horsemen, however, are not limited to this period but continue to warn people. God’s warning through the fourth horseman is intended to prevent spiritual death, just as a parent warns a child against playing with fire. Though the message of sword, famine, and death is sobering, there is hope, as Jesus is also the rider of the pale horse. He is the one holds the keys to Death and Hades. He has the solution for the devastation caused by rejecting the Truth. Those who repent and return to God will be saved, as Jesus has the power to defeat death and offer eternal life. Salvation is found in Christ alone, and those who hold fast to Him need not fear.

Bible Text: Revelation 6:7-8.

Study: #41

Symbolism: A great star fell from heaven  on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters, and 1/3 became poisoned, and many people died from the waters because they were made bitter.

Prophetic Application: The third trumpet represents the period following the Fall of Rome, which historically was the period known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages. During that time, the people had little to no access to scripture. Persecution, actual famine, diseases, were the norm. The church experienced apostasy and spiritual deterioration, as altered doctrines began to flood the pure message of the Gospel. Bible truths began to be replaced with traditions and non-biblical teachings.

At first, it may seem strange that God is in charge of the polluted waters, though Satan is the one corrupting God's truth. However, as Jeremiah 9:13-15 explains, God is allowing the consequences of people’s choices. By forsaking God's law, people opened themselves to spiritual pollution, symbolized by the bitter waters of wormwood. This period of spiritual rebellion, seen during the Middle Ages, resulted in widespread apostasy, false doctrines, and a lack of access to Scripture, which led people astray and into spiritual death.

Paul warned of this great apostasy in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, noting that the fall of the Roman Empire would lead to a time of spiritual decline within the church. The third trumpet symbolizes this era, where false teachings and corruption spread, poisoning the pure message of the Gospel. Although many of these false teachings began in the past, they persist today. The only defense against these poisonous doctrines is to immerse ourselves in God's Word, the true source of Living Water. If a teaching is not based on the Bible, it should not be followed.

Bible Text: Revelation 8:10-11.

Study: #54


The 1500s marked the rise of the Reformation, a movement led by reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin, who challenged the practices of the Roman Catholic Church and sought to return to biblical teachings. During the early 16th century, the Reformers ignited a spiritual awakening across Europe, leading to significant religious and political changes that shaped the course of Western Christianity.

Some of the key denominations that emerged directly from the Reformation include:

  1. Lutheranism: Founded by Martin Luther, this was the first major Protestant denomination and became the dominant form of Protestantism in Germany and Scandinavia.
  2. Reformed Tradition: Led by figures like John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli, this tradition gave rise to several denominations, including the Presbyterians and Reformed Churches.
  3. Anabaptists: Although not as widespread, the Anabaptist movement emerged during this time, emphasizing adult baptism and a separation from state control. This movement eventually led to groups like the Mennonites and Amish.

Symbolism: "The dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus".

Prophetic Application: The Reformation the led to the emergence of several major Protestant denominations. The movement quickly fragmented into various branches and sub-groups. During the Reformation, the new Protestant denominations faced significant persecution and attacks from the Roman Church. The Roman Church, aimed to maintain religious and political control, and viewed these movements as heretical. Perhaps one of the most persecuted groups were the Anabaptists. They were hunted and many were executed by drowning, burning at the stake, or other brutal methods due to their rejection of infant baptism and their radical views on church and state separation.

Bible Text: Revelation 12:17.

Studies: #8​​​​4 #85

Symbolism: The two witnesses go out prophesying with fire power out of their mouths, with the power to stop rain, to turn water into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague. 

Prophetic Application: The two witnesses come serving the role of king and priest. They have a prophetic and a heavenly royal mission. They come displaying a similar power to that of Elijah and Moses. They are filled with the Holy Spirit, spreading the Gospel, not because of how strong they are, but because of how strong the One they serve is. As agents of the Word of God, the two witnesses are able to show others who God is. We can understand that God's people living during the last days will be powerful witnesses for God, just like His prophets were in the past.

Bible Text: Revelation 11:3-6

Study: #73

Symbolism: Those who had been slain because of the Word of God were under the altar, asking God how long until He avenges their death. 

Prophetic Application: The period of the 5th seal appears to begin when the overcomer fully surrenders to Jesus and continues until the end of the 'how long' period. This culminates in the Second Coming of Christ, when justice is finally brought to the Earth. While this concept applies to Christians in any era, it was especially significant for the believers enduring the hardships of the late Middle Ages.

When Christ opened the fifth seal, John saw an altar, likely referring to the altar of sacrifice in the courtyard of the Tabernacle. The souls crying under this altar symbolize those martyred for their faith in Jesus and their commitment to spreading the Gospel. Their blood, like that of sacrifices in the Old Testament, calls out for justice, representing their plea for God to avenge their deaths. These martyrs died under the protection of the cross, having fully surrendered to Christ, but they remain in a state of rest until justice is brought with the Second Coming.

The symbolism of these souls parallels the sacrifice of Christ and echoes the plea of Abel's blood in Genesis 4:10. The fifth seal reveals both the character of God, who is "holy and true" and will bring justice, and the character of the overcomers, who gave their lives for their faith. The martyrs are told to rest, with the assurance that victory is certain, and that God's justice will come when the character of all overcomers is complete. God's grace surrounds the overcomers as they wait for the final judgment, and His promise of salvation and justice remains firm.

Bible Text: Revelation 6:9-11

Study: #42



Age of Enlightenment


The Age of Enlightenment began in the late 17th century, emerging from the scientific revolution and the intellectual currents of the time. This era marked a shift away from traditional authority and religious dogma, emphasizing reason, individualism, and scientific inquiry as the primary means of understanding the world.

In October 1685, Louis XIV issued the Edict of Fontainebleau, which revoked the Edict of Nantes. This decree prohibited Protestant worship, forbade the emigration of Protestants, and led to the banishment of pastors. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes marked the decline of religious tolerance in France and sparked widespread debate on religious freedom and the role of the state, central themes in Enlightenment thought.

Thinkers like John Locke and René Descartes laid the groundwork for Enlightenment ideals, advocating for knowledge through observation, skepticism of absolute power, and the pursuit of progress and human rights. The Enlightenment set the stage for significant cultural, political, and social transformations in Europe and beyond.

Symbolism and Prophetic Application: This was a dead church, only going through the motions of Christian practice and partially following Scripture. Those who overcome are promised to be clothed in white, have their names remain in the Book of Life, and have their names confessed before the Father and the angels, symbolizing their celebrated entrance into God’s Kingdom, fully renewed by Jesus' merits.

Bible Text: Revelation 3:1-6

Studies: #2​​2  #23

Symbolism: 1/3 darkening of the sun, moon stars, day, and night.

Prophetic Application: The rediscovery of Bible-based theology brought about by the Reform movement led to many theological discussions, which turned into polemics, and about winning arguments. Religion became less and less about developing a personal relationship with Christ. This frame of mind led people to move away from faith, belief in God, and dependence on the Savior as the source of spiritual light. During the Age of Enlightenment, people valued reason, as they completely rejected Bible truths. 

This rejection generated a host of philosophical approaches, such as rationalism, skepticism, humanism, and liberalism. All of these ultimately led to the development of a new principle: secularism, which is the concept of separation of church and state. There is no doubt that secularism brought about many positive results to the Western Civilization, like religious liberty, art, education, medicine, and more. But it surely had a significant negative impact on Christianity. There was a shift in focus from the spiritual to the material. Human reason replaced Bible authority and faith. ‘Self’ became the center of attention, instead of God. Under this line of thought, Christ could no longer be the only path to a spiritual life.

Bible Text: Revelation 8:12

Study: #55


In 1798, a significant event related to the French Revolution was the capture of Pope Pius VI by French forces. This event marked a critical point in the decline of the Papal States' temporal power. Under the orders of the French Directory, General Louis-Alexandre Berthier invaded Rome in February 1798, proclaimed a Roman Republic, and took Pope Pius VI as a prisoner. The Pope was forced into exile and later died in captivity in 1799.

Symbolism: The beast's heads represent dominant politico-religious powers that persecuted God's people and led them into spiritual adultery by encouraging worship practices that deviate from God's commands. This head went on for a while until it received a mortal wound that caused the entire beast to die.

Prophetic Application: The seventh head (the one that 'had not yet come' from John's perspective, would stay a while. The sea beast, had this head active in 538, with the rise of the power the Christian Roman Church had over the European divided kingdoms. At that time, this head received power to act for 42 prophetic months, which is 1260 literal years. The reign of this head comes to an end in 1798, with the downfall of the Christian Roman Church's power during the French Revolution. When one of the heads of the beast received the mortal wound, the text says the entire beast died, causing it to go through the 'is not' phase, until the 8th head becomes active and takes the place of the 7th head, bringing the beast back to its full power.

After the mortal wound, the world entered a phase where no single global politico-religious power (head) is in place to oppress God's faithful people. We are living in the phase where the wound is still undergoing the process of healing. It is important to note that people can still be led to false worship (spiritual fornication) because the culture that spiritual Babylon has been infusing into every society throughout history is still present. Self has become the temple where an unclean altar to false worship has been raised.

The difference between a beast head and the beast, is that the beast is the entire system of politico-religious powers throughout history (it has many heads and horns), while a head is the current politico-religious power active in a certain point in time.

42 prophetic months = time, times, and half of time = 1260 prophetic days = 1260 literal years.

Bible Text: Revelation 13:3, Revelation 17:11. See also Revelation 13:1-10, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Daniel 8. A few 1 day = 1 year passages: Numbers 14:34Ezekiel 4:6Leviticus 25:8.

Studies: #92 Interactive Chart of Beast Power Systems

Symbolism: A fallen star is given the key to the abyss, releasing smoke that darkens the sky. From the smoke, locusts emerge to torment those without God's seal for five months, but they cannot kill. These locusts resemble battle-ready horses with crowns, human-like faces, and scorpion-like tails. They are led by the angel of the abyss, named Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek.

Prophetic Application: The abyss represents the limitations placed by God on Satan and his fallen angels, restricting their ability to destroy humanity. While respecting free will, God allows demonic forces to act at times, presenting people with the choice between following God or embracing deception. The locusts army emerging from the abyss symbolize Satanic activities in this spiritual battle we live in, that attempt to keep people from the Truth. God limits their impact, allowing them to torment but not harm those without His seal. The faithful are protected, though they still endure trials. The locusts' goal is spiritual destruction, using false teachings to mislead those not anchored in God’s Truth.

The attacks serve as a warning to unbelievers and a reminder to all of the strength found in Christ. Satan’s ultimate aim is to deceive people into placing Self at the center of life, offering an illusion of peace and fulfillment, while true stability comes only through God. He traps people in a cycle of emptiness and hopelessness, blinding them to God’s call for repentance. True transformation comes from anchoring life in God’s Word and rejecting the deceptions of Satan.

Bible Text: Revelation 9:1-12

Studies: #57 #58 #59 #60

Symbolism: The beast will come out of the abyss, make war with the two witnesses and kill them.

Prophetic Application: The witnesses were allowed to preach for 1260 years, corresponding to the Middle Age period starting in 538 AD. After this period, they would be killed. This time in History would see a public denial of God and the rise of atheistic beliefs, symbolizing spiritual immorality. God often compared His relationship with His people to that of a faithful marriage, and when Israel turned to pagan practices, it was compared to adultery. The French Revolution exemplified this spiritual immorality and atheism, with reason being exalted above all and the Bible and Christianity openly rejected. The dead witnesses symbolize the rejection of Christ as the source of light and salvation. This scenario is expected to recur and intensify as we approach the final events of this world.

Bible Text: Revelation 11:7-8.

Studies: #74

Symbolism: Peoples, tribes, languages, and nations will look upon the bodies of the two witnesses for three and a half days, refusing to let them be buried. They will rejoice over their demise, celebrating and exchanging gifts, because they believed these prophets tormented them while they were alive.

Prophetic Application: While Jesus was buried in a tomb, the witnesses were left unburied, suffering public humiliation. The nations of the Earth celebrated their demise, indifferent to the degradation of God's messengers (His Word and His people). When human reasoning replaced God's Truth during the events leading up to the French Revolution, the two witnesses were metaphorically killed and left in the streets. The world was watching and celebrating their fall for 3.5 literal years, rather than restoring their dignity.

Despite warnings about the dangers of atheistic choices, many still rejected the Gospel, embracing human logic and temporary pleasures. The philosophies born from the Age of Enlightenment continue to mislead those disconnected from God, and Christians are increasingly viewed as threats to societal order.

Bible Text: Revelation 11:9-10.

Study: #75

Symbolism: This beast comes out of the earth and has two horns like a lamb, and speaks as a dragon. He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. He directs people to worship the first beast, and threatens whoever does not comply.

Prophetic Application: This second beast, also known as the false prophet, is a political power that appears to be non-threatening but that in reality is very skilled with his influence over others. Like the first politico-religious system (sea beast), the second one also exercises a dragon-given power. The second beast's actions and message, while seemingly unconnected to the dragon, reflect Satan's values by leading people to break God's commandments and worship the first beast instead of God. Both beasts hold global political influence and operate within the spiritual realm, but they differ in their approach: the first beast seeks worship, while the second beast demands fear and enforces worship of the first beast, threatening those who do not obey with death.

The emphasis in the passage is not in identifying which government or country the earth beast represents, but rather in focusing on its behaviors. By doing so, we can recognize that whoever exhibits these behaviors, regardless of where they come from, is demanding something that does not align with God's Word.

Bible Text: Revelation 13:11-12.

Studies: #9​​3 #94 Interactive Chart of Beast Power Systems



Industrial Age


The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant revival movement that swept across the United States from the late 18th century through the early 19th century, peaking between 1800 and 1840. Characterized by large, emotional revival meetings, the movement emphasized personal salvation, individual piety, and a direct, emotional connection with God.

It played a significant role in the growth of evangelical denominations like Methodists and Baptists and sparked widespread social reform movements, including the push for abolition, temperance, and women's rights. The Second Great Awakening profoundly shaped American religious life, fostering a spirit of moral activism and democratizing religious practice across the nation.

Symbolism: The Spirit of life from God entered the two witnesses after three and a half days of their death, and they stood on their feet, causing great fear in those who witnessed it.

Prophetic Application: The passage describes the symbolic resurrection of the two witnesses, drawing a parallel between this event and the creation of Adam in Genesis 2:7, where God breathed life into him. The resurrection of the witnesses, much like the vision of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14, was not due to human effort but was a miraculous act of God, demonstrating His power and affirming His identity as the Lord. Both instances illustrate that life and restoration come directly from God's Spirit, emphasizing the need for His intervention to bring about true life and revival.

Bible Text: Revelation 11:11-12.

Studies: #76

Symbolism and Prophetic Application: While some in the church were still following false teachings, the focus is on the faithful who will be spared from the hour of temptation that will come upon the unfaithful. Those who overcome are promised to become an eternal pillar in God’s temple and to bear an inscription with the name of God, His city (New Jerusalem), and Jesus’ new name, indicating their permanent heavenly destination and their reflection of God's character.

Bible Text: Revelation 3:7-13.

Studies: #24 #25

Symbolism: The beast's heads represent dominant politico-religious powers that persecuted God's people and led them into spiritual adultery by encouraging worship practices that deviate from God's commands. The 7th head received a mortal wound causing the beast to die and go through its 'is not' phase during its healing process.

Prophetic Application: The 7th head of the sea beast received a mortal wound during the time of the 5th Trumpet, specifically at the end of the French Revolution, when the Roman Church lost its dominance over the European kingdoms. The beast that emerges from the earth, also known as the false prophet, appears to play a role in the healing of this mortal wound. However, we understand that the wound is not yet fully healed, as we do not currently see a power that exerts global political and religious dominance on a scale that persecutes and oppresses God's people as it did during the Middle Ages. While there are signs of oppression and political influence, these instances have not yet returned to the full power that the 7th head once wielded.

The healing of the wound occurs between the 5th and 6th Trumpets, indicating that it will not be fully healed until the sounding of the 6th Trumpet, when Satan launches his final attempt to deceive the world before the Second Coming. Revelation chapter 17 states that the beast with the healed head (the 8th head), will emerge from the abyss and ultimately go to destruction.

The difference between a beast head and the beast, is that the beast is the entire system of politico-religious powers throughout history (it has many heads and horns), while a head is the current politico-religious power active in a certain point in time.

Bible Text: Revelation 13:13-15, Revelation 17:8. See also Revelation 13:1-10, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Daniel 8.

Studies: ​​#94  More coming soon Interactive Chart of Beast Power Systems



Time of the End

You are Here

Symbolism and Prophetic Application: This was a lukewarm, self-absorbed, and self-sufficient church that believed it needed no external help for salvation. Jesus is outside, knocking at a closed door, inviting them to share in the meal of His Truth, but their theology of Self keeps them in their comfort zone. Those who overcome are promised to sit with Jesus on God’s throne, sharing in Christ’s victory through His sacrifice, being made worthy by His grace.

Bible Text: Revelation 3:14-22.

Studies: #26 #27

The Great Tribulation

Symbolism: A voice from the four horns of the golden altar before God commanded the release of four angels bound at the Euphrates River. These angels, prepared for a specific time, were released. An army of 200 million horsemen was seen in the vision, with riders wearing breastplates of fiery colors. The horses had lion-like heads, and fire, smoke, and brimstone came from their mouths, killing 1/3 of humanity. Despite these devastating plagues, the remaining people did not repent of their idolatry, murders, witchcraft, sexual immorality, or thefts.

Prophetic Application: God allows Satan to present his final argument before the Second Coming, giving people the freedom to choose which side they will align with. This spiritual attack is fierce, capable of spiritually destroying those who, by their own choice, are not truly connected to God. These individuals prefer to persist in their sinful ways rather than repent.

The section is clearly defining the enemy army and how threatening they want to appear. The deceit from their weapons sounds appealing, logical, and sensible. Only through a deep relationship with God and His Truth can we discern and reject the enticing lies of the enemy army. As Ephesians 6:14–17 reminds us, it's time for faithful followers to put on the full armor of God. Tighten the belt of truth, protect your heart with the breastplate of righteousness, walk carefully in the shoes of the gospel peace, block the enemy’s arrows with the shield of faith, guard your mind with the helmet of salvation, and help others with the sword of the Spirit.

Bible Text: Revelation 9:13-21.

Studies: #61 #62

Symbolism: The beast's heads represent dominant politico-religious powers that persecuted God's people and led them into spiritual adultery by encouraging worship practices that deviate from God's commands. The 7th head had received a mortal wound causing the beast to go through its 'is not' phase during its healing process. At the time of complete healing, the beast is now in a new phase, the 'is to come' out of the abyss and go to destruction.

Prophetic Application: The 7th head of the sea beast received a mortal wound during the time of the 5th Trumpet, specifically at the end of the French Revolution, when the Roman Church lost its dominance over the European kingdoms. The beast that emerges from the earth, also known as the false prophet, appears to play a role in the healing of this mortal wound.

The 6th Trumpet has sounded at this point, and the wound is fully healed. The world is about to experience the full strength of the fully active sea beast head. The 8th head is now in place of the previously injured 7th one, and the beast is once again complete with 7 heads. The beast is now ready to once again exert his global political and religious dominance on a scale that persecute and oppress God's people just as it did during the Middle Ages.

The healing of the wound occured between the 5th and 6th Trumpets, indicating that once fully healed, Satan is able to launch his final attempt to deceive the world before the Second Coming. The beast will completely emerge from the depths of the restrains God had in place and ultimately go to destruction. The beast's 'is to come' phase is a counterfeit of Jesus' Second Coming, who is the true 'Is to Come' divine being.

The difference between a beast head and the beast, is that the beast is the entire system of politico-religious powers throughout history (it has many heads and horns), while a head is the current politico-religious power active in a certain point in time.

Bible Text: Revelation 17:8, Revelation 13:3. See also Revelation 13:1-10, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Daniel 8.

Studies​​#94  More coming soon Interactive Chart of Beast Power Systems

Symbolism: The earth beast performs great wonders, even causing fire to descend from heaven to the earth in the presence of people.

Prophetic Application: The earth beast's ministry is characterized by "great wonders," including miraculous acts designed to deceive everyone on earth. One of its key end-time activities is making fire come down from heaven in front of all people, indicating that the beast's miracles are aimed at deceiving everyone, regardless of whom they serve—God or the dragon.

Among the earth beast's end-time activities, the most astonishing is making fire come down from heaven, a powerful act of deception aimed at leading people astray. This act is significant because Jesus warned in Matthew 24:24 that false Christs and prophets would perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. The symbolism of "fire coming down from heaven" in Revelation 13 represents a counterfeit of God's genuine acts, as seen in biblical events like Pentecost and Elijah's challenge at Mount Carmel. At Pentecost, fire symbolized the Holy Spirit's presence, while at Mount Carmel, it demonstrated God's justice and truth. The earth beast's fire, however, promotes a false spirituality based on the dragon's principles, misleading people globally and pushing them towards allegiance to the false Christ. This deceptive fire is a turning point, influencing the final decisions about spiritual allegiance in the last days.

The earth beast acts as a counterfeit Holy Spirit, guiding people toward worship. However, as this power is counterfeit, so is the worship it directs people to offer.

Bible Text: Revelation 13:13-15.


Symbolism: The earth beast instructs those who dwell on the earth to create an image of the beast that had the wound of the sword and was revived. It was granted the power to give breath to this image, so that the image could even speak and cause those who refuse to worship it to be put to death.

Prophetic Application: The earth beast commands the people to create a revival of the politico-religious oppressive system of the 7th head (the one who received the mortal wound), which once persecuted those who resisted its altered values. The earth beast, wielding significant political power, breathes life into this image, symbolizing a divine act that only God can truly perform, thus falsely claiming divine authority. The people are compelled to worship this recreated system, echoing the story of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3, where he commanded the worship of a golden statue that defied God's prophecy.

This image of the beast represents the false spiritual values and religious system of the end-time government, and just as in the Medieval period, those who refuse to follow these doctrines will face severe persecution, even death. This passage paints the picture in vivid colors of who this 8th head really is: a modern copy of the pre-mortal wound 7th head.

The earth beast acts as a counterfeit Holy Spirit, guiding people toward worship. However, as this power is counterfeit, so is the worship it directs people to offer. Commanding people to worship anything other than God directly violates God's Law, forcing individuals to choose a side: either break God's Law to avoid being killed by the beast's powers, or serve God and face death. The challenge arises because the command won't appear as an obviously wrong choice. Worshiping as directed by the beast will seem natural and desirable, while the right choice may seem unconventional and the wrong one.

Bible Text: Revelation 13:13-15.


Symbolism: The Lamb, representing Christ, is seen standing on Mount Zion with 144,000 followers who bear His name and the name of His Father on their foreheads. A powerful voice from heaven is heard, accompanied by the sound of harps, as the 144,000 sing a new song that only they can learn. These followers are described as pure and faithful, having not defiled themselves, and they follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They are presented as the first fruits to God and the Lamb, blameless and truthful.

Prophetic Application: The 144,000 represent the group of faithful followers of Christ at the end times, but the number is symbolic rather than a literal count. They serve as a "job description" for God's faithful people. This group, however, has always existed, fighting a spiritual battle against the forces opposing God, a war that began in Heaven and continues on Earth. The 144,000 are those who have accepted God's solution to sin through belief in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. They are seen in an army formation, as once the ancient Israel army was described, the thousands of Israel. The group of 12 x 12 x 1000 highlights the totality of God's chosen people, engaged now in launching God's counterattack to the enemy's strike attempt on God's Law. By directing people to false worship, the enemy army is aiming to cause major damage to God's camp. But God sends His army with a final message, reminding people to worship only God, that the system of apostate faith will be destroyed, and for people to repent before it's too late.

Bible Text: Revelation 14:1-13.

Studies: #47 More coming Soon

Symbolism: In a vision, John is told to eat the little scroll. It was sweet as honey in his mouth but bitter in his stomach. John must prophesy but not reveal the message that the Seven Thunders had spoken.

Prophetic Application: John assimilated the message from the little scroll when he received it in the vision about the 6th trumpet. The actual worldwide spreading of the Truth from his own time onward would prove to be challenging. John, however, was not to reveal a specific portion of what God had spoken. God will only reveal that content during the 7th Trumpet. However, the content of what John needed to prophesy again correlates to the preaching that should occur during the time leading up to the Second Coming, a period before the 7th Trumpet where there would be 'time' no longer.

The bitter-sweet experience that comes with engaging so profoundly in preaching the Gospel has always been true throughout History, and we can see this as the Two Witnesses go about prophesying during the Middle Ages, ultimately being killed with no dignity during the Enlightenment period. They eventually came back to life around the time of the Protestant Revival of the 1800s, and so they must continue their work. In that sense, like John, they must prophesy again.

The eating of the scroll illuminates the journey of the Two Witnesses, and vice versa. The intense work of the Two Witnesses sheds light on the meaning of the scroll’s consumption. Placing the eating of the scroll at the beginning of our Interactive Timeline Chart highlights the ongoing need for prophesying throughout history, especially since the message of Revelation was received. However, it's important to understand that this scene actually takes place at the end of the 6th Trumpet, when God’s people will face a very difficult trial in their final attempt to call people to God before it’s too late.

Bible TextRevelation 10:4, 69, 10.

Studies: #66 #67 #68 #69

Symbolism: God calls His people to come out of Babylon, urging them to avoid participating in her sins and the resulting plagues. Babylon's sins have reached heaven, and God has remembered her offenses. She will be repaid double for her deeds, and the luxuries she enjoyed will be met with equal torment and mourning. Despite her arrogance and belief that she is untouchable, her downfall will come swiftly, with plagues, mourning, famine, and destruction by fire, for God's judgment is powerful and decisive.

Prophetic Application: Before destroying Babylon, the apostate faith system that has been active throughout history and acting prominently during the end times, God is calling His people, who are still trapped within it, to come out while there is still time. Babylon's destruction is imminent, and as Jesus said, He has a flock from many folds that He must gather before the end. Those who belong to Him will listen.

Bible Text: Revelation 18:4-8, John 10:16.

Studies: Coming Soon

Symbolism: After the two witnesses were brought back to life, a great earthquake occurred, causing a tenth of the city to collapse, and seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake. The survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Prophetic Application: Here we see an earthquake that destroys a tenth of a great city and kills 7,000 men, which is interpreted as a significant spiritual event rather than a literal one. This earthquake is different from the ones seen in the destruction of Babylon in chapter 16, and different from the one seen during the 6th Seal. The one in the 6th seal shook every island out of place and people hid themselves under rocks wishing to die. The one in chapter 16 split Babylon in 3 parts, and people blasphemed God. Here, a smaller part of the city was affected, and the survivors praised God instead of cursing Him.

The earthquake symbolizes a spiritual shaking with profound impact, representing God's presence and judgment. The great city, symbolizing spiritual immorality and self-importance, experiences partial destruction (10%), indicating that God's final judgment has not yet occurred. The 7,000 who died represent a complete rejection of God's truth, contrasting with the 7,000 faithful in Elijah's time. Meanwhile, those who survived the earthquake recognized God's authority and gave Him glory, similar to King Nebuchadnezzar's experience of acknowledging God's sovereignty after his period of tribulation.

This spiritual shaking seems to have brought people to God, and they gave Him glory, answering the call of the 3 angels: 'Fear God and give Him glory.'

Bible Text: Revelation 11:13-14, Revelation 14:7.

Studies: #77

Symbolism: This passage describes how everyone, regardless of status, is forced to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, symbolizing allegiance to the beast. Only those with the mark can buy or sell. The passage also mentions that wisdom is needed to understand the number of the beast, which is identified as 666, the number of a man.

Prophetic Application: The triple number 666 symbolizes the beast and his image, representing the false trinity that has spread false teachings throughout history. The number 6 reflects humanity and the elevation of Self over God, contrasting with the divine perfection symbolized by the number 7, which is associated with God's creation and His Law. This contrast underscores that humans, symbolized by the number 6, fall short of God's perfection. The number 666 also echoes the first deception in Eden, where Satan tempted Eve to aspire to be like God, leading her to disobey Him.

Revelation 13:18 urges us to interpret the number of the beast with divine wisdom, understanding it through Scripture. The number is described as "the number of a man," as in menkind, not a specific individual. The number 666, written out as "six hundred sixty-six," symbolizes mankind and represents human history and governments aligned with the dragon's agenda. This number should not be seen as mystical or specific to one person but as a measure of human governments' support for false religious-political systems.

Receiving a mark is like wearing a team jersey that identifies your allegiance. In the end times, there are only two teams: those who follow God and His commands, marked by God's seal, and those who do not, marked by the beast. This mark on the forehead or hand signifies one's decision to side with the beast, either by belief in the false system (forehead) or by practicing it (hand).

Bible Text: Revelation 13:16-18

Studies​​#95 ​​#96 ​​#97 

Symbolism: The 144,000 are described as having the name of Christ and His Father on their foreheads. They sing a unique song before God's throne that only they can learn, symbolizing their special status. These individuals are pure, having not defiled themselves, and they faithfully follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They are considered the first fruits to God and the Lamb, blameless and without deceit.

Prophetic Application: The one who overcomes will bear God's name on their forehead, signifying their acceptance of God's true message and the sealing by the Holy Spirit. This seal differentiates the citizens of Heaven from the inhabitants of Earth. God's people, who keep His commandments and have the faith of Jesus, have their sins forgiven and are recognized as His own. The sealing process, which was already happening in Paul's time, concludes in the last days before the harvest. This sealing is conditional upon accepting God's truth, and in the end, everyone will bear either God's seal or the mark of the beast.

Bible Text: Revelation 14:1; Revelation 7:1-8.

Studies: #46 More Coming Soon

Symbolism: The opening of the sixth seal reveals a series of cataclysmic events: a great earthquake, the sun turning black, the moon appearing as blood, stars falling from the sky, and the heavens receding like a scroll. Mountains and islands are displaced, causing terror among all people, from kings and the powerful to slaves and free men. They hide in caves and among rocks, pleading for the mountains to fall on them to escape the wrath of the Lamb, as the great day of His judgment has arrived, leaving them fearful of who can withstand it.

Prophetic Application: The descriptions in the Bible about this time period suggest that the planet will undergo convulsions and changes, almost as if it were reversing the process of creation. In Genesis, we see the progression from a formless and empty world to one filled with atmosphere, light, celestial bodies, vegetation, and animal life. The Biblical descriptions of the Day of the Lord seem to mirror this sequence, but in reverse. The focus of this passage isn't on determining whether these prophetic elements have already been fulfilled or if they will occur closer to Christ's Second Coming. Rather, it emphasizes that the Lord's return will bring about a purification from sin, affecting not only the people but the entire planet.

Bible Text: Revelation 6:12-17. See also Isaiah 2:12-21, Matthew 24:29-30, Luke 21:25-27.

Study: #43​​

The Separation of the Two Cities

Symbolism: The Son of Man sits on a cloud, wearing a golden crown and holding a sharp sickle. An angel from the temple urges Him to reap the harvest, as the time has come and the earth is ripe. The Son of Man then reaps the earth. Another angel, also with a sharp sickle, is instructed by the angel with power over fire to gather the grapes from the earth’s vine, as they are ripe. The grapes are thrown into the great winepress of God's wrath, where they are trampled, resulting in a flow of blood that reaches up to the horses' bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.

Prophetic Application: This passage describes a time after the preaching of the everlasting gospel has been completed by the power of the Holy Spirit. People have made their choices, deciding which side of the harvest they will be on. Jesus, who has the authority to gather His elect, swings the sickle to do so. In chapter 15, we see the faithful gathered as the victorious group over the beast and his image, and in chapter 7, they are described as the great multitude. Both texts depict them as having come out of the great tribulation. Although they are still physically on Earth, they are described as being in the presence of God, because they are completely under His protection. We know they are still on Earth because the scene of their being taken up into the sky occurs after the seven plagues and after Jesus's return.

Another angel with a sickle gathers a different group—grapes destined for the judgments of the winepress. These are the people who have not chosen Jesus and will bear the consequences of sin themselves. The winepress symbolizes the seven last plagues that the seven angels with seven bowls are about to pour out on those who bear the mark of the beast.

Bible Text: Revelation 14:14-20. See also Revelation 15:1-4, and Revelation 7:9:17.

Studies: Coming Soon

Symbolism: The group of those who were victorious over the beast, his image, and the number of his name stand on a sea of glass mixed with fire, holding harps. They sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, praising God for His great and marvelous works. They declare His righteousness and holiness, acknowledging that all nations will ultimately come to worship Him because His righteous acts have been revealed.

Prophetic Application: This group was first seen in chapters 7 and 14 as the 144,000, standing in army formation, prepared for the enemy's attack described in the 6th trumpet. In chapter 15, they appear after the great tribulation, celebrating their victory. Though no longer in an army formation, they are the same group now emerging triumphant. In chapter 7, they are referred to as the great multitude, dressed in white. They are God's city, Jesus's bride. While still physically on Earth, they already enjoy Heaven's full protection and are described as standing in God's presence. We know they are still on Earth because their ascension to Heaven occurs after the seventh bowl and the Second Coming of Jesus. The scene of the saints standing on the sea of glass takes place just before the angels pour out the last plagues on the enemy camp.

It's important to note that this great multitude has a description that the enemy attempts to imitate in chapter 17, where John is shown a vision of Babylon, who sits on many waters. While God's city is protected, Babylon awaits her judgment.

Bible Text: Revelation 15:2-4.

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Symbolism: John is shown the judgment of Babylon, the great prostitute, who sits on many waters and influences the kings of the earth through immorality. She is depicted sitting on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns, adorned in purple, scarlet, and gold, holding a cup of abominations. Her name is "Babylon the Great," and she is drunk with the blood of saints and Jesus' witnesses.

The angel explains that the beast "was, is not, and is to come," destined for destruction. The seven heads are seven mounts that represent seven kings. Five of them have already fallen, one is ruling, and one is yet to come. The ten horns are ten kings who will later briefly share power with the beast and give him their authority.

Prophetic Application: There are some parallels we can draw between the two groups divided during the harvest. Just as the great multitude is described in chapters 7 and 15, we also receive a description of Babylon—what it wears, where it is located, and its activities. God's city is located in Heaven, standing on the sea of glass and fire, victorious before Him, dressed in white, holding golden harps, and praising the King of the nations. In contrast, Babylon, the counterfeit city of the enemy, is depicted as a prostitute sitting on many waters and on the dragon's power system, the beast. She wears Israelite priestly colors, except for blue, and holds a cup filled with abominations and the blood of the saints. Both cities are made up of peoples from every nation and tongue. However, while God's city preached the everlasting gospel to the whole world, Babylon has poisoned the kings of the earth with her lies and idolatry. 

She is an apostate faith system that has led people astray throughout history, causing them to abandon God's teachings and true worship. Now that the two cities are clearly divided, and God's city is fully protected by His hand, Babylon will go through God's winepress and face the full measure of His wrath. The city is about to be destroyed.

The angel takes time to describe the beast system to John, situating him in his present reality by identifying the active head at that time—"one is." The angel helps John recognize that the 6th head represents the Roman Empire, while five heads have already fallen, and one is still to come. The beast mirrors Jesus in its "was," "is," and "is to come" phases, aspiring to counterfeit Him. Like Jesus, the beast will experience a mortal wound, then resurrect and return as an 8th head that will take the place of the 7th.

The angel further explains the system to John, noting that most of it had either already passed or was still in John's future. The only part current to him was the "one is" head. The angel also describes how the beast will transition from the "is not" to the "is to come" phase after the mortal wound. Ultimately, this explanation serves to show both John and us who is about to be judged and destroyed: the counterfeit enemy city, Babylon.

Bible Text: Revelation 17:1-13.

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Symbolism: A loud voice from the temple instructs the seven angels to pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth. The first angel pours his bowl, causing harmful and painful sores to afflict those who bear the mark of the beast and worship his image.

Prophetic Application:The plagues represent God’s judgments on those who rejected His call for repentance and chose to receive the mark of the beast. At this point, everyone has made their choice, and humanity has been divided into two distinct groups. Unlike the partial judgments seen in the Trumpets, the effects of these seven plagues are complete and final. These plagues echo the plagues in Moses' time, which fell on the Egyptians but spared the Israelites. Similarly, these plagues will only afflict those who have aligned with the enemy and bear the mark of the beast.

Notably, in Egypt, the 6th plague was boils, and here, the first plague is also a plague of painful sores. While the plagues afflict people as a result of the each bowl being poured out, with each plague, the angel will pour the bowl onto a different surface. Interestingly, each surface corresponds to elements seen in the Trumpet judgments. In this case, the first bowl is poured onto the earth.

Bible Text: Revelation 16:1-2.

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Symbolism: The second angel poured his bowl into the sea, and it turned to blood like that of a corpse, causing every living creature in the sea to die.

Prophetic Application: The next bowl targets those who rejected God's Living Water and replaced it with their own poisoned version, causing death. Appropriately, God strikes this entity that tried to replace the Truth. A parallel can be drawn with the second Trumpet, which was a judgment on the Roman Empire—a nation that rejected the Truth and persecuted Christians. Similarly, a mountain fell into the sea and turned part of it into blood. It is fitting that this bowl targets the nations responsible for the persecution under the beast's orders.

Like the first plague in Egypt, the waters here turn into blood. Without water, life cannot continue. Spiritually, these people have long deprived themselves of Jesus' refreshing water. Their corrupted state, having embraced the false teachings of the enemy, cannot endure. By rejecting the truth, they have chosen a path leading to spiritual death beyond the point of revival, as if they have signed their own "Do Not Resuscitate" order. While they may still walk physically for a short time, they are destined for the eternal grave. Though they once shed the blood of faithful martyrs, now they shed their own.

We are not at that time yet, and there is still an opportunity for all of us to choose the water that will nourish us forever.

Bible Text: Revelation 16:3.

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Symbolism: The third angel pours his bowl into the rivers and springs, turning them to blood. The angel in charge of the waters praises God’s righteousness, stating that those who shed the blood of saints and prophets now deserve to drink blood as judgment. The altar echoes, affirming that God's judgments are true and just.

Prophetic Application:The third plague represents a severe intensification of the second Bowl. It's one thing for a body of water to turn into blood; it’s even worse when the water feeding into that body is also compromised. The condition of the waters reflects what has already been happening spiritually. Satan has been poisoning people with man-made traditions and altering the doctrines God established. The enemy even created new sources of teaching that aren’t just distortions of biblical principles but behaviors that are completely opposed to the Gospel.

Those who bear the mark of the beast are now facing the severe consequences of their choice. They cut themselves off from the true source of truth. As a result, God allows them to follow through on the decision they made—to remain separated from Him. While God respects everyone's free will, choosing eternal death over a relationship with Christ is a tragic fate, one He doesn't desire for any of His creations. But He lets them choose for themselves. That's how much He loves and respects each one of us.

Bible Text: Revelation 16:4-7.

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Symbolism: The fourth angel pours his bowl on the sun, causing it to scorch people with intense heat. Despite their suffering, the people blaspheme God's name and refuse to repent or give Him glory.

Prophetic Application: The partial blocking of God's light allowed during the 4th Trumpet caused a darkening on Earth, symbolizing how people were partially distorting God's Truth to introduce their own versions of it. The spiritual lesson from the pouring of this bowl plague is that God will reveal the full brightness of His message. Yet, even when presented with His truth in full strength, people will still refuse to repent and return to Him.

The reason the spiritual application of this passage is stronger—and perhaps more important—than any physical intensification of the sun’s heat is that the verse highlights people's refusal to repent. If the ultimate goal is for people to turn back to God, then the primary message of the symbol is spiritual. This makes any physical heating of the sun secondary in importance. The 4th Bowl plague emphasizes that a spiritual interpretation takes precedence in these first six plagues, whether or not it is accompanied by a physical manifestation. The focus is on the risk of imminent eternal death.

Those with the Seal of God will not experience this spiritual darkness, as they align themselves with the source of light itself—Jesus.

Bible Text: Revelation 16:8-9.

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Symbolism: The fifth angel pours his bowl on the throne of the beast, plunging his kingdom into darkness. In agony, people gnaw their tongues in pain and, despite their suffering, blaspheme God and refuse to repent of their actions.

Prophetic Application: With the 5th plague, we see a different target—it strikes at the core of Satan’s headquarters. In chapters 12 and 13, we are introduced to Satan’s strategy for the counterfeit trinity. The sea beast, the false prophet, and the dragon form the central pillars of his plan to replace God in the affairs of Earth. Satan granted power and authority to his agents to conduct political and religious activities in his name.

When the 5th Bowl is poured out, it directly attacks the foundation of Satan's plan to conquer humanity. It shatters the illusion that Satan is the solution to people's suffering as they endure the plagues. This revealing of Satan’s true character contrasts sharply with the 4th Bowl, which exposed God’s truth—the intensifying of the sun's heat. Here, as Satan is exposed, an intensification of darkness occurs. Yet, even after seeing Satan's true nature, people still refuse to turn back to God.

The Bible is already exposing this dark plan to deceive people. We don’t have to wait to endure the suffering and agony of realizing the global fraud. We have the opportunity now to return to God’s light.

Bible Text: Revelation 16:10-11.

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Symbolism: The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, causing its water to dry up, making way for the kings from the east.

Prophetic Application: During the 6th Trumpet, God removed the angels stationed at the Euphrates, allowing Satan to present his final arguments in this cosmic trial. This means Satan was given the opportunity to deceive those who had not aligned themselves with God's truth. The Euphrates is mentioned again here, symbolizing the place from which Israel’s enemies would come in the Old Testament. Its significance grows in Revelation because the real Euphrates flowed through ancient Babylon, sustaining life within the city’s walls. In the 6th Bowl, the river dries up, cutting off the spiritual Babylon’s lifeline.

In the Old Testament, we’ve seen waters part for God’s people to cross, and safely be gathered on the other side. The scenes at the Red Sea and the Jordan River easily come to mind. Similarly, God is now preparing to deliver His people from this apostate faith system and bring about its destruction.

Jesus' return is described as coming from the east, or the rising sun (Matthew 24:27-31), and the angel with the Seal of God also comes from the east (Revelation 7:2). This emphasizes God's well-thought-out plan for delivering His faithful servants from the counterfeit city.

In the previous plague, Satan’s character was fully exposed as a fraud. Now, God further weakens the enemy’s territory. As with the earlier Bowls, the primary focus should be on the spiritual meaning, not the geographic landmarks. Notice there is no longer mention of people repenting in this plague. The time to change sides has passed—not because God is unwilling to accept latecomers, but because at this point, no one is willing to change. The first five plagues showed that, even when given the chance, people still chose death over life with God. With everyone’s decision made, it is now time for the deliverance of the remnant.

Bible Text: Revelation 16:12-16.

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Bible Text: Revelation 16:13-16.

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The Day of the Lord

Amamagedon: The Final Battle


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God's Ruling

Symbolism: God declares His kingdom has superseded all earthly kingdoms and that Christ will reign eternally. Heaven celebrates it. In contrast, the nations react with anger. God's wrath comes, and so does the time for the dead to be judged. The judgment includes rewarding the faithful and destroying those who have been destructive to the earth. Then, the heavenly temple opens, revealing the ark of God's covenant amidst lightning, thunder, an earthquake, and a severe hailstorm.

Prophetic Application: The seventh trumpet is received with great joy in Heaven. Heavenly beings worship God with a loud voice and are thankful for the things God has done for them. This brings us to the time of the very end. The kingdom of the Father has become also the kingdom of Jesus. It marks the beginning of His eternal reign. The nations of the Earth will be enraged against God and His people, but God will come to their defense and destroy those who filled the Earth with iniquity. With the Second Coming, Jesus will define the sentence of the wicked and will reward those who filled the Earth with His Truth.

Bible Text: Revelation 11:15-19

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The Millenium



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The White Throne Judgment


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The Wife of the Lamb


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Eternal Reign

The Beginning and the End

Symbolism: I will give water to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life, without cost. river of the water of life, [a]clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of [b]the Lamb, 2in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve [c]kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations chapter 21 and 22. There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; 4they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.

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