Drawing Connections
So far, we've learned from the message of the fifth trumpet that one of the angels sinned and was cast out of Heaven—this angel was Satan. When he fell, he dragged many other angels with him, trapping them in his web of lies. To understand how Satan began his deceptive work on Earth, we need to briefly return to Genesis. He gained dominion over the Earth when Adam and Eve believed the lies he spread about God's character. By choosing to follow Satan's words through the serpent, Adam and Eve effectively handed him the authority to take control.
God allowed Satan to carry out his activities for a time but established clear boundaries. Satan was not given free reign over all humanity. He was restrained from deceiving true believers—those who bore the Seal of God. These believers are immune to Satan's deceptive tactics because of their active faith in God's Word. However, if they choose to abandon their faith, they, like Eve, open themselves up to enemy attacks. While Satan's lies can torment nonbelievers for a time, those who remain faithful are protected. In future studies, we will learn that at a certain point in history, Satan and his army of fallen angels and false prophets launched a full-scale effort to deceive the nations and torment those without faith. The weapons of torment are fueled by lies, just like the one the serpent used to deceive Eve as she stood by the forbidden tree.
Eve was a believer, but the moment she paused to entertain the serpent's accusations, doubt entered her mind. She found herself torn between trusting God or giving in to her own sense of self-importance. This is the kind of torment Satan inflicts on those who choose to prioritize themselves over God. By rejecting the protection God offers to believers, Eve made herself vulnerable to the enemy's tactics. Satan's methods of torment can reach those who have turned away from God's protection, and the result is a relentless pursuit of self-gratification. Even today, the serpent's arguments may seem attractive and reasonable, but they are extremely dangerous. The threat is so great, that Satan’s army is described in Revelation in a bizarre and frightening way—horse-like locusts, which are as deadly as scorpions.
Today, we conclude Part 4 of our study on the fifth trumpet. We will take a closer look at who is leading the enemy's army and explore the prophetic application of this message.
Part 4 - Revelation 9:11-12
Closer Look
*** The king of the locust/scorpion army ***: The lies spread among the people are deadly. Satan’s army works relentlessly to destroy God’s cherished creation: humanity. In the seventh trumpet, we will see that God pours out His wrath on those “who destroy the Earth” (Revelation 11:18). Unlike real locusts, who have no king and destroy by instinct (Proverbs 30:27), Satan’s swarm has a leader. Revelation 9:11 reveals this leader, who bears two names: in Hebrew, Abaddon, meaning “destruction,” and in Greek, Apollyon, meaning “destroyer.” Satan is this destroyer king. Destruction with lasting consequences occurs when people believe in and follow satanic teachings and philosophies. Jesus said, “But now you seek to kill me, a man that has told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:40, 44). There is no solution for the person who refuses to accept the truth. Jesus offers a way out of the sin problem, but a person must choose to have their spiritual eyes and ears opened. The understanding of God’s truths brings healing to the soul from the wounds inflicted by Satan’s lies (Matthew 13:15).
Satan is the mind behind the attacks on the inhabitants of the Earth, injecting poisonous lies and deceiving the masses. 1 Peter 5:8 warns: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.” If we stopped here, the situation might seem grim and hopeless. However, we must remember that when people are truly and deeply rooted in the Word of God, Satan’s arrows cannot pierce their hearts. Just before the verse about Satan seeking to devour, Scripture encourages us: “Cast all your anxiety on Him [Jesus], because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7). God’s faithful must place their trust in Him, for He is our Protector. Even those who choose to turn away from sin and repent will find refuge in His protection. We must all be willing to receive the safety He offers.
*** One woe is past, two more to come ***: The fifth trumpet reveals Satan’s organized efforts to deceive people and keep them blind to God’s truth. After the description of the fifth trumpet, Revelation 9:12 gives a warning similar to the one in Revelation 8:13. The intensity of the mental torment increased from the third to the fourth trumpet, and again from the fourth to the fifth. We can now anticipate that the events brought by the final two trumpets will be even more severe for those who choose not to follow God.
*** Prophetic Application ***: The fourth trumpet symbolized the period of apostasy during the Age of Enlightenment, from the 16th to the 18th centuries (see study #55). The fifth trumpet depicts the spiritual consequences that followed this era. One of Satan's philosophical weapons during this time was the shift in mindset from God being the center of thought to man becoming the focal point. People replaced God with Self, and Biblical reasoning was replaced by self-centered emotions. Satan’s strategy no longer relies solely on whether someone identifies with a particular religion, denomination, or rejects belief in God entirely. As long as Self remains in the spotlight, even self-proclaimed Christian churches can be led to promote hollow emotional displays, encourage worship practices that have no aim at understanding God’s truth, or preach messages that focus solely on material benefits here on Earth. By placing Self at the center, Satan creates a scenario where name-only Christians, atheists, and believers of any faith are indistinguishable. Self becomes the equalizer and the common ground. But people driven by Self will always be running on empty, for humans were not created to thrive on Self. Without the right fuel—God—people are left tormented, seeking something to fill the void. This is where Satan waits for his opportunity to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The prophetic period of the fifth trumpet spans from the 18th century to our present day.

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© Hello-Bible - 2024
The objective of the locust army is to destroy the Earth, and they do so using weapons that affect people spiritually. The attack on Truth is no accident; it is orchestrated by the king of destruction and the father of lies, Satan himself (John 8:44). Demonic forces work to convince people to redefine the very core of their existence, with a strong appeal to place Self at the center. Satan makes it seem as though this path will lead to unity, peace, and equality. However, true connection and stability can only occur within the parameters established by God. A lasting bond is formed when people anchor themselves to the Word of God—He must remain at the center. We are not called to compromise truth for the sake of getting along with one another. Instead, we are called to walk a completely new path where we are transformed by God. We cannot reshape or adapt God to fit our desires and beliefs in the name of peace. God does not force anyone to change sides or connect to Him directly, nor are we called to coerce others into doing so. Satan, on the other hand, uses coercion to bring people together in unnatural ways. This is why he has the power to afflict those who lack a solid connection to the true core.
Satan sets his torment in motion by trapping people in an endless search to fill their inner void. This is the cycle he wants them to believe: when Self is at the center of life, there is no need for a Savior; without a Savior, there is no hope; without hope, life lacks meaning; if life lacks meaning, a new purpose must be created; that purpose is one that makes Self feel good and fulfilled. But if Self can’t find fulfillment, then life remains meaningless, with no hope—because there is no Savior—and so, Self must remain the center of life. This endless, pendulum-like cycle desensitizes people and keeps them trapped in a pattern they can’t break. It blinds them to God’s call for repentance. Matthew 13:15 says: “For this people’s heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.”